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Vestige Verdant is the best brand to make your skin shine!
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Vestige Verdant is the best brand to make your skin shine!

The skin needs to shine and to do so it needs all the existing treatments. This is what Vestige Verdant thinks about this with its organic products!

Vestige Verdant is the best brand to treat the skin naturally and elegantly. Products with superior quality ingredients to ensure great health benefits and longevity of beauty at the cellular level.

Clean and effective products to meet the daily needs of the skin keeping it cool, young and bright with simple steps.

Vestige Verdant

We need to give time to the skin, especially in today’s busy world. For this, we must use products that slow down the aging of the skin.

Products that slow down aging thanks to unique organic ingredients of the highest quality.

The ingredients don’t contain harmful chemicals and unsafe ingredients. All the ingredients used are organic and certified, to guarantee natural health benefits and the right beauty that your skin needs.

Vestige Verdant product

The ingredients followed by fair and ethical trade and also, are cruelty free.

Obviously, in a beauty routine the mask can never be missing. We present the Organic Peat Mask:


Keeps your skin fresh and radiant every day. It’s inspired by pure nature by providing absolute purity to the skin with a deep cleansing that frees the skin of harmful ingredients. In addition, it tightens the skin, smoothes wrinkles and fine lines. The mask heals sensitive skin allergically and excessively and increases blood circulation, reducing fat and acne and restoring the natural pH of healthy skin. For all skin types to be applied twice a week for best results on a previously cleansed face, then leave for 3 minutes and rinse with cold water.

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Fresh and regenerating, it’s the right choice for those who want to slow down time by giving their properties to the face. Micellar Cleansing Water is composed of micelles that attract the fat and dirt molecules present on the face. It is the main ally of all women to keep skin always clean and healthy. That’s why we present Pure Brilliance, micellar creasing water.

PURE BRILLIANCE Micellar Cleansing Water

A perfect micellar water able to thoroughly clean and absorb impurities, sand and dirt without rubbing excessively or damaging the skin. PURE BRILLIANCE has a natural formula quickly and comfortably cleans all daily dirt, pollution, make-up and grease from the face, eyes and lips without using harmful substances and parabens. It also helps restore the natural pH-balance, improves skin texture and revives skin.




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