The Dancer
The Photographer Lina Shark is trying to tell us a story through her shoots. The main character is a classical dancer. The pictures give voice to the eternal conflit between lights and shadows of this career.
The dancer has to practise and practise, again and again, her body shows the lines of sacrifices. Sometimes she stops and wonders if all her efforts are vain. Even if she feels tired, destroyed by the trials, she saves the ability to dream high and by dancing (that is her passion) every bad thoughs disappear in the same way as her sweat is absorbed by a sponge and the fatigue erased by a restorative rest.
It is very easy to lose the trust in herself and giving up; at the same time it is very easy to lose her own bearings for a minute of glory.
It will come the day in which all her sacrificies will be repayed by her appraisers and their sweetness will reach her heart as sugar and she will be surrondended by the freshness of flowers. In her mind she is no more the black swan but a wonderful white creature ready to receive her public’s embrace.