I’m from and I live in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. I studied Fashion Design after had studied and worked as a Business Administration. I did that change because I always love designing and fortunately I had the opportunity to do it. I had the degree in Fashion Design in December 2010 and in 2011 started to design and make my own accesories. I do everything by my self (the University trained us to do that); my brand is very small, the aim is to make timeless designs and a few of each one, here in Argentina is called “Diseño de Autor” or “Diseño Independiente”, it means that designs are independent of trends. I do not want to make a massive product, I want my customers wear products that are not in the massive market. Also I get bored making the same thing several times. However, may be acquired at accesible prices.

-Which kind of audience would you like to induce more to the purchase of your brand?
I´m interested in women with strong personality, because as you can see, my product is like “a protagonist” in women´s outfit. Women that want to wear different things, that are not influenced by fashion or the “in or out”. This is the reason my brand aims to timelessdesigns.

-Do you have a style of reference that you imitate or do you belong to 100%? Tell us about your ideas.
I do not like to imitate or copy. All the accesories are thought and designed by me. I could be inspired by a lot of things, I´m very visual. Once I was in the street waiting to cross it and I saw the wheels of a bicycle and I made a handbag with it´s shape. For example, the inspiration to make the necklace below came from the model´s outfit in a magazine cover. I thought “that could be a necklace…”, so I made it.

The orange part was the fur coat, the golden was the belt and the black and white part the skirt.
Sometimes, when I´m working, some materials are on the table by chance and if I like the combination between them I make a product. Nature, musical videos, films, architecture are a very important source of inspiration for me. If I´m reading and something catch my attention I research about it; three years ago I was reading an article where it was mentioned the “Chaos Theory” so I investigated it and then I designed and made the accesories. This is another reason why I love this profession, you learn interesting things when you do a research.
I may say I have an eclectic style because I love mixing diverse textures, materials, colours and if you could see in the pictures the designs are very different, some are very colourful and some are not.

-How much time do you spend on making a producto on average?
The time I spend making a product depends on the accesorie I designed, if it is a simple earring or necklace it could take one or two hours but if it is a handbag could be three or four days.
-Who are the designers of your brand?
As I said before all the accesories, inclusive my label, are designed and made by me, from the beginning to the final product.
-What should we expect in 2019, about your brand?
This year I want to develope new materials for bijoux and handbags. Last year I did courses where I learned different techniques to make my own materials. I´m very excited about it because it is a huge opportunity to create new things and not depends on what are available in the market.

Below we mention the links where you can follow all the beautiful creations of Agustina.
Facebook page:
Instagram profile: